• Egypt plans to boost exports to USD 145 bln by '30 - PM

    CAIRO, April 20 (KUNA) -- Egypt's Prime Minister Moustafa Madbouli stressed Saturday that exports by 2030 are targeted to hit USD 145 billion compared with USD 53 billion in 2023, saying that this can be "applied" Speaking in TV remarks following inspecting Pyramids tire factory, Madbouli said the political leadership and all executive institutions are fully aware of keeping sustainable growth and overcoming all challenges facing Egypt starting with focusing on some productive and economic activities.

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  • World Bank unveils co-financing platform to "improve development impact"

    WASHINGTON, April 19 (KUNA) -- A coalition of 10 multilateral development banks (MDBs) launched a new co-financing platform that will enable them to channel additional capital for development scale and impact.

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  • US to reimpose sanctions on Venezuela’s crucial oil

    WASHINGTON: The United States said Wednesday it will snap back sanctions on Venezuela’s crucial oil industry after President Nicolas Maduro’s government continued its repression of opponents.

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  • Going ‘backwards’? Whistleblowers slam Boeing safety culture

    NEW YORK: Witnesses at a US Senate hearing on Boeing drew a disturbing picture Wednesday of an aviation giant that blows off safety questions and sidelines critics as it chases faster production and bigger profits.

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  • Beef consumption in Argentina plummets

    BUENOS AIRES: Beef consumption in Argentina - one of the world’s top producers and consumers of the meat - has fallen to near-record levels amid a biting economic crisis, an industry body said.

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  • Act fast or fall behind China, US for good, EU leaders told

    BRUSSELS: The European Union must act fast or risk falling perilously behind the economies of China and the United States, EU leaders heard Thursday as they headed into summit talks on how to leverage the bloc’s huge market to stem its decline.

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  • In Scranton, ageing US factory makes shells for Ukraine

    SCRANTON: In brick buildings that are more than a century old in Joe Biden’s Rust Belt hometown of Scranton, Pennsylvania, dated machinery continues to churn out machinery for modern conflicts - especially the war in Ukraine.

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  • Brazil, France renew push for ‘fairer’ international taxation

    WASHINGTON: The international community must do more to make the world’s richest companies and individuals pay their “fair” share of taxes, Brazil and France’s finance ministers said Wednesday.

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  • Germany dodges recession at start of the year

    FRANKFURT: The beleaguered German economy likely expanded slightly at the start of the year, dodging a recession, due to improvements in manufacturing and exports, the country’s central bank said Thursday.

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