• NIC: A journey of remarkable successes and gains in 2021

    KUWAIT: National Investments Co achieved exceptional successes at various levels during 2021 based on steady steps and insightful vision. This emphasized the company’s leading and prestigious position as one of the largest investment companies in Kuwait and the region, moving forward in implementing an ambitious and effective strategy based on effective presence in the market, gaining customer confidence, and promoting digital innovation in investment products and services.

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  • Gulf Bank holds Q3-2021 earnings webcast

    KUWAIT: Gulf Bank held its investors webcast to review and discuss the bank’s financial performance during the first nine months of the year 2021 on October 28, 2021. The conference call was organized by EFG Hermes and presented by Tony Daher, Chief Executive Officer of Gulf Bank, and David Challinor, Chief Financial Officer of Gulf Bank. The discussion was moderated by Dalal Al-Dousari, Head of Investor Relations at Gulf Bank.

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  • Stocks mostly rise but China data hits Hong Kong

    LONDON: World stock markets mostly rose yesterday, with Tokyo leading the way as a win for Japan’s ruling party in a weekend general election fuelled hopes it will push ahead with a fresh stimulus, although Hong Kong was hit by data showing further weakness in China’s economy. 

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  • What did the G20 summit agree?

    ROME: Meeting in person for the first time in two years, G20 leaders had a full agenda including climate change, the COVID pandemic, a landmark tax deal and global economy worries. Here is a summary of what they agreed.

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  • Boursa Kuwait announces net profits of KD 11.7m for period ended 30 Sept 2021

    KUWAIT: In a meeting of its board members yesterday, Boursa Kuwait announced that total operating revenue reached KD 22.2 million for the nine-month period ended 30 September 2021, an increase of 67.4 percent compared to the same period in 2020. The total operating revenue was approximately KD 13.2 million. Net operating profit also increased, by almost 88 percent from KD 7.1 million to KD 13.4 million. 

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  • NIC offers ‘NICTRADE’ trading service

    KUWAIT: As part of the company’s ongoing efforts to adopt digital solutions, National Investments Company (NIC) announced the launch of its NICTRADE digital service for electronic trading which enables clients to trade in Boursa Kuwait and GCC and global markets and offers them the best experience through the use of state-of-the-art technology whether through the website or smart phones.

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  • British and French leaders declare truce in fishing row

    ROME: The French and British leaders agreed yesterday to defuse days of sniping over post-Brexit fishing rights, according to Paris, potentially averting a full-blown trade war that would embroil the entire EU. President Emmanuel Macron and Prime Minister Boris Johnson met for about 25 minutes on the margins of a G20 summit in Rome, aides said, a day after Johnson complained to EU chief Ursula von der Leyen that French threats to trigger reprisals over the row were “completely unjustified”. 

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  • Fed set to begin stimulus taper amid inflation

    WASHINGTON: The Federal Reserve is set to begin removing a major plank of the stimulus policies it rolled out last year as the pandemic began, a sign of the progress the US economy has posted since the historic downturn.

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  • Aramco profits soar 158% on higher oil prices

    RIYADH: Saudi Aramco’s earnings rose 158 percent year-on-year in the third quarter on higher oil prices and volumes sold as the global economy recovered, it said yesterday. Aramco’s profits surge comes as world leaders prepare for the UN’s COP26 climate summit starting in Glasgow later on Sunday, a key meeting in the battle against global warming.

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