• With weak lira, Turkey woos foreign firms

    ISTANBUL: There is a silver lining to Turkey’s currency crisis and the global supply chain crunch: The country is becoming an attractive alternative at the gates of Europe for foreign firms. 

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  • Renault returns to profit but chip shortage hits output

    PARIS: Renault returned to profit last year but the global shortage of semiconductors will crimp production again in 2022, the French automaker said Friday. The company posted a better-than-expected net profit of 967 million euros ($1.1 billion) after a record eight-billion-euro loss in 2020, when the onset of the pandemic pummelled the global economy.

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  • NatWest back in black as economy recovers from COVID

    LONDON: Britain’s NatWest bank said Friday that it surged back into annual profit last year as the economy recovered from COVID, and forecast it stands to gain from rising interest rates. 

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  • Tunisians fear more economic pain as crucial IMF talks loom

    TUNIS: Every day at the family grocery stall in a Tunis market, Bilel Jani sees the reality of a biting economic crisis, which for many has overshadowed Tunisia’s latest political turmoil. 

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  • Experts say digital banks to help Kuwait keep pace with global trends

    KUWAIT: The Central Bank of Kuwait’s recent decision to open the door for the establishment of digital banks signaled a new milestone in the state financial regulator’s drive for digitization and keeping abreast with the latest trends in global financial services, Kuwaiti banking officials and experts have concurred. 

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  • Airbus reports record profit, eyes more deliveries in 2022

    PARIS: European aircraft giant Airbus posted record profits in 2021 after two years of losses as it cruises past the pandemic-induced crisis in the travel industry, company results showed yesterday. 

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  • High US inflation ‘not acceptable’ but recovery on track: Yellen

    WASHINGTON: Soaring US inflation rates are “not acceptable” but the health of the world’s largest economy is fundamentally sound thanks to policies that have mitigated the impact of the pandemic, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said. 

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  • British annual inflation hits fresh 30-year high

    LONDON: UK annual inflation has hit the highest level since 1992, data showed yesterday, adding pressure to the cost of living and on the Bank of England to keep raising rates. 

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  • Facebook co-workers now ‘Metamates’ as image evolves

    LOS ANGELES: Meta chief Mark Zuckerberg laid out revamped company values Tuesday, urging workers to be “Metamates” who treat one another with respect and look to the future. Zuckerberg shared his note to employees on his Facebook page, the revamped credo coming on the heels of the internet giant being renamed Meta in October.

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