Al Sharq Financial Brokerage Company was incorporated on March 3, 1986 with a capital of KWD 100,000 which was increased on various stages that is suitable to the needs and size of the market reaching KWD 10,000,000 during the year 2016, to exercise its leading and competitive role in this domain using what it has from experience and qualifications with the existence of professional and administrative order which will lead to professional advancement of the employees in a clear framework of functional future.
Al Sharq Financial Brokerage Company is considered to be one of the leading companies in the State of Kuwait, where, during its course of business attracted a large number of customers to be classified within the companies having more than 20,000 customers. This large number of customers made the company to be within the best three-brokerage companies during the last ten years.
The company was able through the great executive experience that it has to make very big deals that contributed significantly in the ascension in Kuwait Borsa in addition to the improved performance and income of the company. For example, the company was the broker of the Ooredoo (Wataniya Telecommunications previously) which is considered within the biggest deals in that was made since the association of Borsa Kuwait until our days.
We are also considered specialists in providing our customers with innovative and exceptional services in the financial brokerage domain, where we provide to the individuals or corporations with a performance based on applying the best international standards in executing the deals and guaranteeing quality and committing to special standards in dealing. In addition, our comprehensive and integrated solutions provide to our customers the easiness to access financial data through accredited brokers and experts in this domain. In addition to the best technologies presented through our private electronic dealing, where Al Sharq Company presented the service to its customers the electronic dealing in the year 2007 and it was the second brokerage company that provided this service in a professional way through the best service providers in the Middle East.
Al Sharq Company was distinguished by its strategic plans and accurate future estimate, whereas by studying the market status and by sensing the improvement of the market in 2007, the company opened a branch in Hawalli area in addition to the head office in Kuwait Stock Exchange on an area of about 540 meter square which is considered to be one of the biggest branches to a brokerage company in Kuwait. In addition, the company opened the first external branch in the Lebanese Republic, in Bhamdoun Area to meet with that the geographical distribution of the customers which makes our services available to them in a vast and easy way. In addition, it was one of the first companies that decreased its expenses after the world financial crises (that happened in the year 2008) to protect the money of the shareholders and the big owners.
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