Zain celebrates Kuwait’s top graduates

Kuwait: Zain, the leading digital service provider in Kuwait, hosted its special annual ceremony to recognize the outstanding achievements of Kuwait’s top high school graduates.

Al Roudhan with Kuwait’s top students during the event.

The event was held at Zain’s main headquarters in Shuwaikh with the attendance of the students’ parents and CEO Eaman Al Roudhan.

At the end of every academic year, Zain holds a special ceremony to recognize Kuwait’s top-performing students who excelled in their high school journey. This year, Zain honored top graduates across Kuwait (sciences and humanities), top Kuwaiti graduates (sciences and humanities), top graduates of Religious Education, as well as top graduates of Special Education (sciences and humanities).

Addressing the students and their families, Zain Kuwait CEO Eaman Al Roudhan said: “I’m thrilled to welcome you all today to Zain’s wonderful world. Seeing today with smiles upon your faces and the faces of your parents is heartwarming, especially after two exceptional years you spent between virtual and physical learning because of the COVID pandemic”.

Al Roudhan continued: “Today we are here to celebrate each and every one of you, to celebrate your exceptional achievements and accomplishments. I congratulate your parents and all of Kuwait for empowering and nurturing such a distinguished group of young people who will surely lead our future with passion and dedication. We are hopeful for a better tomorrow because we believe in your energy, potential, and capabilities”.

Al Roudhan added: “Before we celebrate, we have to thank God for His blessings. The entire world went through tough times recently, and the pandemic has affected all sectors, including education. Despite school closures, lockdowns, having to adapt to virtual learning, and living through the mental pressures of the pandemic, you overcame the challenges and achieved the highest levels because of your dedication and determination”.

Al Roudhan stressed: “Now, the most important part of your academic life awaits you, which is college. Universities will race to get your attention, and whether you go for a local or international college, always remember; selecting your major should center around your passion in life. Excelling in your future career is undeniably linked to one’s passion. You’ll never feel tired working so long that you love what you do”.

Al Roudhan concluded: “My advice to you is to choose majors that serve the market’s needs and meet your passion. Pick majors that have a big future, not just in financial benefits, but those that achieve self-happiness, and you are most passionate about”.

As a leading national company, Zain firmly believes in the importance of contributing to the progress of the education sector and looks to empower and prepare the youth for the important roles they will play in the future of the country.

Zain is fully committed to supporting young people in their development through a wide variety of community activities and programs, including award programs, educational programs, and career development initiatives. The company’s solid CSSR strategy is what drives it to continue being committed to support all sectors of society.