Turkish Min. urges Arabs to sign free trade agreements with Ankara

ISTANBUL, May 23 (KUNA) -- Turkish Minister of Treasury and Finance Mehmet Simsek on Thursday called on Arab countries not to be reluctant to hammer out free trade agreements with his country.

Türkiye Invites Arab Countries to Sign Bilateral Free Trade Agreements

The Turkish minister made the call during the International Arab Banking Summit in Istanbul, underlining that the key way to promote Turkish-Arab trade and investment is to sign joint free trade agreements.
"The wholesale solution is to have free trade agreements that create more wealth and prosperity," Simsek said.
He pointed out that Arab countries, which have capital, can diversify their economies and and develop their manufacturing sector, by means of running investments in Turkiye.
The two-day event that ends on Friday is organized by the Union of Arab Banks under the auspices of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. (end) ta.mt.