Saudi official: Kingdom's first in GEMS Index reflects gov't efforts in digitalization

RIYADH, Feb 19 (KUNA) - Governor of the Digital Government Authority Eng. Ahmad Mohammad Al-Suwaiyan said that Saudi Arabia's achieving first place in the Government Electronic and Mobile Services (GEMS) Maturity Index reflects the government's efforts in digital transformation.

Al-Suwaiyan, quoted by Saudi Press Agency (SPA), attributed this international achievement to the tireless efforts targeting the goals of Saudi Vision 2030, which aims to build a digital society, embrace cutting-edge technologies, and ultimately deliver the best experience for all beneficiaries ESCWA's GEMS index evaluates 17 countries annually, assessing the maturity of 84 essential government services offered electronically and through smart applications, which are assessed across three key sub-indices, in which Saudi Arabia secured the first place. The Kingdom scored 98 percent in service availability and sophistication, a 1 pct increase over 2022, 84 pct in service usage and satisfaction, a 4.76 pct increase over 2022, and 100 pct in public outreach, a 13.52 pct increase over 2022, according to SPA. (end) kns.seo.