Pan-Arab coop. necessary to boost food production - bloc

CAIRO, Oct 23 (KUNA) -- It is imperative for Arab countries to bolster cooperation as part of efforts to enhance regional food production, the Arab League said on Monday, citing the use of cutting-edge technology as means to achieve that goal.

Self-sufficiency goals have become vital to ensure sustainable food security, besides its importance towards keeping national economies on an upward trajectory, the Cairo-based bloc's assistant secretary general for political affairs Dr. Khaled Manzlawi told a gathering to discuss the link between food production and security.
Comprehensive food production strategies need to revolve around a steady flow of investment, in addition to policies that encourage creativity and efficiency in the field, he underlined, saying the spread of armed conflicts and natural disasters would potentially impede the progress of such plans.
Sustainable food security is largely contingent on efficient food production, the Arab League official emphasized, describing industries and production as the "backbone" of food security, which he said was the major talking point for the gathering. (end) mfm.nam.