NBK urges customers to verify safety of online shopping sites

KUWAIT: Reflecting its active role in promoting financial literacy and inclusion among the different segments of society, National Bank of Kuwait (NBK) continues its participation in the “Let’s Be Aware” banking awareness campaign introduced by the Central Bank of Kuwait, in cooperation with Kuwaiti banks and Kuwait Banking Association (KBA).

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In this regard, NBK focuses on increasing online shopping awareness, and the need to be cautious when shopping on websites by securing their devices and bank/personal accounts, to avoid falling victim to hackers, as online fraud is usually done through suspicious websites, which use fake logos and trademarks.

Therefore, NBK advised customers to adhere to important security tips for online shopping including verifying the authenticity and safety of logged in shopping websites, checking for secure websites (https://), and logging out after finishing shopping. Furthermore, the bank also warned of using public Wi-Fi for online shopping, as these networks are unsecure and unprotected, which makes them easily prone to hacking, and stealing customers’ personal and banking information. It also urged customers to avoid saving any banking or personal information on the browser used to log in to the online shopping store.

NBKurged consumers to use third-party payment methods like “Samsung Pay, PayPal, Apple Pay,” and to activate SMS notifications provided by banks to get notified of the debit transactions on their bank accounts, as well as using banks’ smartphone apps to view transaction history and details including debited amount, transaction location, date, and name of the store in which it was made.

The bank also advised consumers to compare prices across platforms, and to beware of prices/offers that look too good to be true as this is a common trick used by scammers to steal consumers’ information and accounts. NBK also reaffirmed that it will never ask customers for personal information via e-mail, SMS or phone calls, warning them of responding to such messages representing fraud attempts to obtain their banking information to steal their money or information.

NBK intensifies awareness by sharing educational content including video clips and text communications on all its social media platforms and digital channels, as well as reposting CBK’s communications related to the “Let’s Be Aware” campaign to increase awareness among different segments of society and warn customers of all kinds of fraud and how to steer clear of these threats.

NBK employs its strong customer communication capabilities as well as all its digital channels, which are the most popular among all Kuwaiti banks, to support the Central Bank’s endeavors to protect customers and the economy. It is worth mentioning that NBK is a key advocate and participant in all CBK’s campaigns and initiatives to increase financial and banking awareness among different segments of society. As the leading financial institution in Kuwait, NBK frequently organizes various activities to raise awareness on all topics related to the banking sector, as well as many training courses for its employees to enhance their knowledge and expertise in the areas of combating fraud and financial crime.