NBK inaugurates Kuwait’s first international mortgages center

KUWAIT: National Bank of Kuwait (NBK) has inaugurated Kuwait’s first international mortgages center at its headquarters, offering services to customers interested in purchasing or financing properties in the UK, France, and the UAE.

NBK launches Kuwait's first international mortgages center

KUWAIT: Isam Al-Sager, Shaikha Al-Bahar, Salah Al-Fulaij, Omar Bouhadiba, Zaid Al-Sager, and Mohammed Al-Othman pose for a group photo with other key executives during the lauch of Kuwait’s first international mortgages center at the NBK headquarters.

The inauguration of the new center was marked by the presence of the Bank’s executive management and aligns with the strategic vision articulated by NBK’s senior leadership.

The initiative was led by Isam Al-Sager, Vice Chairman and Group CEO of NBK, with the support of Shaikha Al-Bahar, Deputy Group CEO of NBK, and Salah Al-Fulaij, CEO of NBK-Kuwait. Joining them were Omar Bouhadiba, CEO of International Banking Group at NBK, Zaid Al-Sager, Deputy Head of International Banking Group at NBK, and Mohammed Al-Othman, CEO of Consumer and Digital Banking Group at NBK, among other key executives.

This initiative highlights the Group’s dedication to expanding its global banking services and providing bespoke mortgage and service solutions to meet the international real estate investment needs of its customers. Located in downtown Kuwait, the International Mortgages Centre complements the services provided by the Bank’s Ras Salmiya and Surra branches, enhancing customer convenience.

These branches offer a comprehensive array of international banking products and services, including mortgages. This initiative aligns perfectly with NBK Group’s strategic efforts to expand its footprint in real estate financing services both regionally and globally. By leveraging its extensive network of international branches and solid presence in key real estate markets worldwide, NBK capitalizes on its strong reputation and the deep trust it enjoys in Kuwait, the region, and beyond.

Through its international mortgage services, the Group empowers customers to fulfill their aspirations of owning properties in the UK, France, and UAE markets. This is facilitated by flexible financing terms, competitive interest rates, extended repayment periods, and financing covering up to 75 percent of the property value.

To facilitate overseas property purchases for its customers, the bank has introduced the new International Mortgages Center, providing convenient access to mortgage services and a variety of international real estate products. This initiative enables customers in Kuwait to access financing solutions and comprehensive real estate services without the need to travel, complementing the offerings at the Ras Salmiya and Surra branches. This streamlined process simplifies the path for customers aiming to own property outside Kuwait and to capitalize on unique opportunities in global markets.

The expansion of NBK Group’s international mortgage services aligns with the bank’s strategy of diversifying its revenue streams across different industries and geographical regions. Notably, international operations contributed 24 percent of net operating income and 21 percent of the Group’s profits in the first quarter of 2024. Moreover, as of the end of March, their share of the Group’s total assets had increased to 41 percent. This underscores the growing significance of International Banking Group in improving the Group’s financial performance.

High credit limits

NBK Group clients looking to purchase real estate in the UK, France, or the UAE enjoy a range of advantages, such as substantial credit limits, competitive interest rates, and extended repayment terms.

The International Banking Group, with a presence in key financial and business hubs, is dedicated to providing top-notch products and services. This commitment empowers customers to efficiently manage their personal and business affairs with ease and convenience.

NBK remains committed to being readily accessible to its customers by offering a comprehensive suite of banking services, as well as investment and financing solutions. This dedication allows customers to easily access vital regional and global markets from Kuwait.