Mongolia Amb.: We are keen to enhance tourism cooperation with Kuwait

KUWAIT, June 5 (KUNA) -- The Ambassador of the Republic of Mongolia to Kuwait, Sergelin Borev Shadai, stressed on Wednesday his country's keenness to work and enhance cooperation in various fields with Kuwait, especially in the tourism sector.

Mongolia and Kuwait seek to boost relations further - Times Kuwait

Shadai said in a press statement issued by the Kuwait Chamber of Commerce and Industry after receiving an economic delegation specialized in the tourism sector, headed by the Ambassador, "the main goal of this visit is to review the investment opportunities available in Mongolia in the tourism sector".
Members of the visiting delegation reviewed the tourism services provided by them, such as recreational trips and high-level hotel services, in addition to the enormous tourism potential that Mongolia enjoys, which has greatly doubled the number of tourists over the past years. For its part, the Kuwait Chamber of Commerce and Industry stressed the importance of bilateral visits and direct meetings in enhancing cooperation with Mongolia in all fields, including the tourism sector. (end) fh.onm.