MoH: Over 2.3 million COVID vaccine doses administered

KUWAIT: More than 2,375,455 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine have been administered in Kuwait since the beginning of the vaccination campaign, Health Ministry Spokesman Dr Abdullah Al-Sanad said on Sunday. 


KUWAIT: A medic administers COVID-19 vaccine doses to people queueing in their cars at a drive-thru inoculation site at Jaber Causeway yesterday. – Photo by Yasser Al-Zayyat

The number of those who have received a single dose of the vaccine reached 1,452,148, while 923,307 others received two shots, he added in a press statement, stressing the continuation of the campaign.

Dr Sanad hailed the efforts of all medical, technical and voluntary teams, as well as cooperation of all state bodies over the past period. He affirmed continuation of providing services to the country’s targeted segments so as to reach herd immunity.

Dr Sanad also said the average occupancy rate of COVID-19 wards in hospitals increased nine percent last week, while it increased by 10 percent for intensive care units (ICU). He called on the public to abide by health precautions and register for COVID-19 vaccinations. Dr Sanad expressed his trust in the awareness of the public to find a way out of this pandemic with the best results.

The health ministry yesterday said 1,977 people were infected with the novel coronavirus over the past 24 hours, taking total cases to 365,649. The death toll from the virus climbed to 2,029 after registering 12 more mortalities (11 unvaccinated and one fully vaccinated) in this period, Dr Sanad said. Some 1,841 people recovered in the same period, taking total recoveries to 345,106. On Sunday, Kuwait reported 1,654 new cases and 12 deaths.

Meanwhile, the Civil Service Commission announced yesterday that the finance ministry has received lists of civil servants and personnel eligible for financial rewards from 16 departments and authorities for serving on the frontlines against COVID-19. Some of lists have been approved as they are free of any remarks, according to regulations, the CSC said in a statement. The commission noted that other lists delivered by various departments and sectors with names of personnel nominated for financial awards will be examined.

The CSC addressed the minister of finance on Sunday on setting mechanisms and measures for the disbursement of rewards, in line with law 4/2021 stipulating approval of state departments for the 2020-2021 fiscal year, with additional allotments for the extra payment for frontliners and personnel who served in the back-up ranks.

The commission added that state departments whose lists have been endorsed and submitted to the finance ministry are advised to take delivery of the disbursement guidelines regarding payment mechanisms. A commission will be formed to receive complaints from employees whose names were not included in the lists of eligible beneficiaries. Excluded personnel must explain in writing why they deserve to be financially rewarded, in line with the terms for eligibility.

In a related development, the Cabinet, during its weekly session yesterday, approved a request by the health ministry to employ Pakistani doctors, nurses and technicians to support the health sector. The Government Communication Center said on its Twitter account that the decision to recruit the sixth batch of Pakistani medical personnel is in line with continuing efforts to back up the national health system.