Kuwait’s KUFPEC makes offshore gas condensate find in Indonesia

KUWAIT: Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Company (KUFPEC) unveiled yesterday a significant gas condensate find in offshore Indonesia, hailing the discovery as a step towards the fulfillment of the company’s 2040 strategy. 



The discovery was made through “the successful drilling of the Anambas-2X well in 288 feet (88 meters) of water,” read a company statement, saying the find was the “first of its kind” at an offshore block.

On what lies ahead in the wake of the discovery, the company said it would carry out tests to determine the well’s production capacity, which may result in “greater condensate output,” added the statement. The discovery is a testament to KUFPEC’s “exceptional capabilities” in the field of gas condensate discovery, the statement quoted the company’s CEO Sheikh Nawaf Al-Sabah as saying, praising the “competence of KUFPEC teams towards bringing the find to fruition”. – KUNA