Kuwait's September trade surplus with Japan up 16.3 pct.

TOKYO, Oct 19 (KUNA) -- Kuwait's trade surplus with Japan widened 16.3 percent from a year earlier to JPY 77.8 billion (USD 519 million) in September, up for the first time in six months, as exports outpaced its imports by a big margin, government data showed on Thursday.

Kuwait stayed in black ink with Japan for 15 years and eight months, the Finance Ministry said in a preliminary report.
Overall Kuwaiti exports to Japan increased 20.1 percent year-on-year to JPY 102.9 billion (USD 687 million) for the first expansion in five months.
Imports from Japan rose 10.1 percent to JPY 25.1billion (USD 168 million), up for the 17th month in a row.
Middle East's trade surplus with Japan narrowed 42.4 percent to JPY 734.1 billion (USD 5.9 billion) last month, with Japan-bound exports from the region sliding 32.0 percent from a year earlier.
Crude oil, refined products, liquefied natural gas (LNG) and other natural resources, which accounted for 94.9 percent of the region's total exports to Japan, plunged 32.5 percent. The region's overall imports from Japan increased 19.4 percent on demand for automobiles, machinery and manufactured goods.
Japan's global trade balance returned to surplus for the first time in three months at JPY 62.4 billion (USD 417 million) in September on the back of strong demand for automobiles and lower energy bills.
Exports grew 4.3 percent from the year before, buoyed by robust sales of cars, auto parts and medicine. Imports declined 16.3 percent as energy prices, especially crude oil, LNG and coal shrank. China remained Japan's biggest trade partner, followed by the US.
The trade data are measured on a customs-cleared basis before adjustment for seasonal factors. (end) mk.gta.