Kuwait discusses trade enterprises with Germany, India

KUWAIT, June 20 (KUNA) -- Minister of Finance Dr. Anwar Al-Mudhaf held talks on Thursday with the German and Indian ambassadors to the country on the historic relations and trade enterprises between Kuwait and the two friendly states.

كونا : Kuwait discusses trade enterprises with Germany, India - اقتصاد -  20/06/2024

Minister of Finance Dr. Anwar Al-Mudhaf meets with German ambassadors to the country.

Dr. Al-Mudhaf, also the Minister of State for Economic Affair and Investment, held the discussions separately with the German and Indian ambassadors, respectively Hans Christian and Dr. Adarsh Swaika, according to a statement released by the Ministry of Finance.
It quoted minister Al-Mudhaf as saying that his talks with the two envoys dealt with accrediting bills, paying for trade transactions in local currencies in India and Germany and prospects of shifting to e-payments.
The talks also covered possible launch of Kuwaiti investments in the two friendly countries, establishing strategic investment relations in food security and renewable energy, the statement said, adding that hurdles facing Indian companies in the country were also broached with New Delhi's envoy.
The statement also quoted minster Al-Mudhaf as underlining significance of the water sewage project in Umm Al-Haiman, indicating that the state was seeking to execute it rapidly, affirming that the venture bonded the private and public sectors. (end) md.rk.

Indian Ambassador discussed trade relationship with Finance Minis

  • Minister of Finance Dr. Anwar Al-Mudhaf meets with Indian ambassadors to the country.