Kuwait calls for international cooperation to fight coronavirus

NEW YORK: Kuwait affirmed the need for further cooperation to fight the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and prepare for post-pandemic phase to protect and achieve the sustainable development goals. 



NEW YORK: Kuwait’s First Secretary to the UN Abdullah Al-Sharrah speak during the UN General Assembly sessions. – KUNA

Kuwait’s First Secretary Abdullah Al-Sharrah made these remarks during the UN General Assembly’s 75th session on rebuilding the world after the COVID-19 pandemic late Thursday. “We were hoping that 2020 would be the year we tackle issues facing the achievement of the 2030 sustainable development goals,” he said.

Sharrah expressed his deepest regret over the infection of millions and the death of hundreds of thousands of people due to the pandemic. He called on institutions, governments and companies to cooperate in finding a vaccine for the disease rather than compete, for the sake of saving humanity. He also underlined the importance of coordination to face the economic, social and environmental impact of the virus, especially on more affected countries. Meanwhile, Sharrah noted that Kuwait exerts great efforts to fight the coronavirus virus, not only nationally but also globally. He added that the country had provided $290 million to support international efforts to fight the pandemic.


Bashar Al-Muwazri

Eliminate terror
Separately, Kuwait reiterated calls for the international community to double and unify efforts to eradicate the scourge of international terrorism. Speaking at the UN General Assembly’s Sixth Committee (Legal) meeting on measures to eliminate international terrorism, Bashar Al-Muwazri, Second Secretary at Kuwait’s Permanent Mission at the UN, renewed Kuwait’s firm condemnation of terrorism and all its manifestations. He underlined that terrorist acts should not be ever justified or linked to any religion, nationality, or ethnicity.

Muwazri voiced Kuwait’s full support to all the international measures to confront the terror menace. He, however, stressed the need to address the root causes of this problem through combating poverty and promoting sustainable development, good governance, and peaceful co-existence among people of different faiths. On the national level, the Kuwaiti diplomat said that his country is doing a great job to fight terrorism at home and abroad, and deprive terrorist groups of any financial resources.


Saba Al-Fuheid

Women empowerment
In other news, a Kuwaiti diplomat said that her country has seen much progress in women’s empowerment in 2020, primarily a fresh law that ensures the protection of women from domestic violence. Addressing the General Debate of the Third Committee of the 75th Session of the UN General Assembly, Third Secretary of Kuwait’s Diplomatic Mission at the UN Saba Al-Fuheid said that the law, which was adopted in Kuwait last month, includes emergency protection orders for women and provides legal counsel and help to victims.

In addition, Kuwait has appointed eight female judges for the first time in its history in a long-awaited step towards women’s empowerment in the judicial domain, she said. The Kuwaiti diplomat added that sustainable development and prosperity could not be attained unless youth and women are empowered and all non-governmental organizations are backed. She underlined the need for concerted world efforts not only to fight the COVID-19 pandemic but also to defeat the existing numerous challenges and obstacles worldwide. – KUNA