Kuwait’s COVID-19 infections jump by 823, six new deaths

KUWAIT: Kuwait’s Ministry of Health (MoH) registered yesterday 823 additional COVID-19 cases over a 24-hour span, increasing the total number of infections to 178,524, while six fatalities were recorded, raising the death toll to 1,009. 

Plus, 772 fresh recovery cases were added to a total of 166,791 cured people, as the percentage of overall recoveries out of total infections showed a 93.4 percent survival rate, MoH’s Spokesman Dr Abdullah Al-Sanad said during the 105th regular press conference.

Active cases amounted to 10,724 with 138 of them in intensive care units as of yesterday, the ministry confirmed. Health authorities conducted 8,935 swab tests to a total of 1,676,855, which meant that 9.2 percent of swab tests performed in 24 hours were positive, he revealed. Dr Sanad urged everyone in Kuwait to comply with the precautionary measures against the virus and maintain social distancing. He recommends that everyone should visit MoH’s official accounts and official authorities in the country to view the instructions, recommendations, and everything that would contribute to crush the virus.

Baseless reports
Meanwhile, the health ministry announced that there were no records of deaths, admissions at intensive care units or “unexpected side-effects” from vaccinations that have been administered against the novel coronavirus in the country. Reacting to baseless reports that have gone viral on social media, the ministry has affirmed in a statement that the vaccinations accredited in Kuwait are effective and safe.

“A specialized technical team regularly follows up on (possible) side effects” that may appear among those have been taking the jabs, the MoH has added. It warned that legal action would be taken against those who promote “these rumors and false information that may create jitters among citizens.”

The health ministry had announced Sunday that Kuwait has received the fourth shipment of Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine as part of a deal that will see doses supplied on a weekly basis. With the arrival of more doses, Kuwait’s vaccination campaign looks poised to reach its target of inoculating the “wider population,” said Dr Abdullah Al-Bader, the ministry’s Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Assistant Undersecretary.

As more vaccination sites continue to open nationwide, in addition to some 15 centers launched to date, Kuwait’s inoculation drive against COVID-19 is expected to move into higher gear, added the official. The vaccination centers will also be equipped with the easy-to-store Oxford/AstraZeneca shot, which has already been given the regulatory go-ahead in Kuwait, he said.

Rise in Jahra
As coronavirus cases are on the rise in Jahra governorate, which previously used to have the lowest infection rate, health sources warned against complacency in complying with health protocols and gatherings, as some people believe the pandemic is over or has become less dangerous. Sources quoted in an Al-Rai Arabic daily report published yesterday warned against holding social activities such as weddings, dinner parties and condolence gatherings and frequenting and gathering at diwaniyas, adding that these are the main reasons for the increase in the spread of the virus, hospital admittance and ICU cases.

Sources said the number of COVID-19 wards at Jahra Hospital have been increased, with three operating now out of six designated wards, with a new ward operating weekly. The sources also warned against the poor rate of registration for the coronavirus vaccine by Kuwaitis in Jahra – the lowest in the country.