Inflation decreases to 3.9 pct in Britain for first time in two years

LONDON, Dec 20 (KUNA) - Inflation decreases from 4.6 percent to 3.9 percent in the last month in Britain, official statements showed on Wednesday about the consumer price index, marking it the lowest in two years.

The statements, reported by the British Office for National Statistics (ONS), indicated the decrease in inflation was a result of drop in energy prices especially vehicle fuel, as well as food prices.
Chancellor of the Exchequer (Minister of Finance) Jeremy Hunt, considers the decrease in inflation, which was the highest among the major industrialized countries, as an indicator of the resurgence of British local product to what he calls "healthy and sustainable" growth.
Hunt affirmed in a press statement that the economic and financial measures taken by the authorities started to reap fruit, adding that the government succeeded in fulfilling its objective of decreasing the inflation rate to less than half of what it was last year.
Inflation reached 11.1 percent in October of last year, which resulted in a high cost of living, leading to a labor strike Britain had not seen in decades.
Bank of England sets an inflation rate of one two percent as an optimal rate regarding consumers and the country's annual GDP. (end)