Egypt's monthly inflation up 11 pct, annual rate up 36 pct

CAIRO, March 10, (KUNA) -- The Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics said on Sunday that the inflation rate in Egypt rose 11 percent last February on a monthly basis and 36 percent on an annual basis.

The monthly rise in inflation rate was caused by the hike in food and beverage prices by 15.9 percent, clothing and footwear by 4.9 percent, education by 12.3, health care by 11.3 percent, and culture and entertainment by 30.2 percent, revealed the agency.
It added that restaurants and hotels went up by 11.8 percent as well as the multiple services sector by 4.5 percent.
Moreover, the agency noted that the rise in inflation on an annual basis, compared to February 2023, was due to the increase in food and beverage departments by 48.5 percent, clothing and footwear by 26.1 percent, education by 12.3, restaurants and hotels by 41.5, heath care by 25.7, multiple services by 27.8, and culture and entertainment by 46.6 percent. (end)