Doha declaration welcomes Kuwait hosting of 3rd strategic dialogue '25

DOHA, April 30 (KUNA) -- The Doha Declaration issued by the third session of the Arab Economic and Cooperation Forum with the countries of Central Asia and the Republic of Azerbaijan welcomed Tuesday the invitation by Kuwait to host the third ministerial meeting of the strategic dialogue between the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and the countries of Central Asia in 2025.

In a statement, the declaration emphasized "the historical relations, religious and cultural ties between the two sides, and the prospects for economic cooperation, including the enormous natural resources and promising investment opportunities in the fields of energy, mining, petrochemical industries, tourism, and others." The statement stressed the need to support consensual political solutions to resolve the crises faced by some countries in the Arab region by encouraging comprehensive dialogue and national reconciliation, rejecting any interference in the internal affairs of countries, and committing to respecting their sovereignty and independence and ensuring their unity and territorial integrity in accordance with the Charter and principles of the United Nations and international law.
The declaration condemned the continuation of Israeli occupation crimes against the Palestinian people in all cities, villages and camps, and the deliberate targeting of more than 100,000 Palestinian civilians, including subjecting the Palestinian people to famine and the deadly siege that cuts off all means of life from Gaza Strip, and the systematic destruction of residential neighborhoods, hospitals, schools, universities, mosques and churches.
The declaration called on the Security Council to adopt a binding resolution to stop the Israeli occupation's aggression, shooting, forced displacement against the Palestinian people, and to ensure the flow of relief aid to the entire Gaza Strip, enforce the temporary measures contained in the order of the International Court of Justice, implement the relevant Council decisions, and restore life to normal in Gaza Strip.
The declaration also called for convening an international peace conference as soon as possible from which a credible peace process would be launched based on approved international references within a specific time frame and with international guarantees that would lead to an end to the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories occupied in 1967, condemning the systematic attacks and campaigns carried out by the occupation against the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Refugees. Palestinians (UNRWA).
Earlier, an economic forum bringing together countries from the wider Arab region, including Kuwait, and central Asia kicked off in the Qatari capital Doha in a bid to propel bilateral relations to greater levels.
The gathering, in which Azerbaijan is also a participant, is tantamount to a message conveying the "solidity and depth" of relations between the two regions, Qatari Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammad bin Abdulrahman said in a speech, cherishing the event as a platform to push forward more cooperation given their "joint economic interests." (Pickup previous) sss.mb.