Decision time as Brexit talks hit the wall

BRUSSELS: Post-Brexit trade talks between the EU and UK neared a decisive point yesterday as Europe pushed a leaders summit later in the week as the final chance for a deal. 


An aerial view shows the former Shearings coach holidays hub that is now being turned into a lorry park in Appleton Thorn near Warrington in north west England yesterday. The site is being adapted to handle overflow HGV traffic in advance of possible disruption at northern ports when the Brexit withdrawal period ends on January 1, 2021.-AFP

Chief EU negotiator Michel Barnier told MEPs that Wednesday was the effective deadline for a breakthrough as talks with his UK counterpart David Frost dragged on in Brussels. Barnier and Frost were wrangling once more yesterday before reporting back to their respective bosses, EU chief Ursula von der Leyen and UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

Britain rejected any extension of a Brexit transition period or further talks past this year, Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s spokesman said yesterday as negotiations in Brussels went down to the wire. “Time is obviously now in very short supply. We are in the final stages. We are prepared to negotiate for as long as we have time available, if we think an agreement is still possible,” the spokesman told reporters.

But he stressed: “We’ve been clear on multiple occasions that we won’t be extending the transition period. That remains the case.” Asked whether talks might continue next year, on the basis of a provisional deal to avoid a cliff-edge divorce on December 31, the spokesman added: “I can rule that out.” Unless the EU gives ground on the main outstanding issues, Johnson believes “it won’t be possible to reach an agreement” and Britain will “prosper” on stripped-down trading terms, he said.

The two leaders were to speak by phone later yesterday, a call that a diplomats said would assess where matters stood and would likely ask that the negotiators push ahead. Barnier told a briefing of EU envoys that negotiations were still blocked over fishing rights, rules for fair trade and an enforcement mechanism, still the thorniest problems since talks began eight months ago.

All eyes are on an EU summit on Thursday, when the outline of a deal-or an admission of the failure to find one-will be put to the bloc’s 27 leaders. A senior EU diplomat said the leaders would either “welcome a deal” if there was one there, or demand for the urgent preparation of contingency measures in the event talks failed. “These are going to be decisive hours for the future of our UK relations, and I guess we are at the make it or break it moment,” the diplomat told reporters.

‘Meet again’
Johnson has insisted Britain will “prosper mightily” whatever the outcome of the talks, but he will face severe political turbulence if he cannot seal a deal. Without a deal, tariffs would be levied on the huge volumes of trade passing between the UK and the European continent, through the Channel tunnel and by ship, starting on January 1. Travellers between both sides would also be affected with further passport delays and red tape for foreign residents and businesses.

France meanwhile is seen as the most reluctant to compromise among the Europeans after repeated threats of a veto if a deal does not protect French interests. “Barnier is trying to make a good deal. If minds are not ready for that in December 2020, let’s meet again next year,” said French MEP Nathalie Loiseau, a close ally of French President Emmanuel Macron.

In an unexpected twist, UK minister Gove travelled to Brussels to discuss the 10-month old Brexit divorce deal, on the same day as British parliament was to consider a bill that would violate it. European Parliament has said it will reject any trade deal if Britain delivers on its threat to undo the divorce agreement that guarantees an open border between UK-ruled Northern Ireland and the EU-member Republic of Ireland. – AFP