Davos Forum... established in 1971 to discuss economic, political challenges

News Report by Khaled Al-Shammari RIYADH, April 28 (KUNA) -- The Davos World Economic Forum (WEF), also known as the Davos Forum, is an annual event that brings elites from different countries together to discuss the economic and political challenges and issues the world faces and find solutions to these global problems.

The Davos Forum was founded in 1971 by German professor Klaus Schwab to enhance international cooperation and build bridges of understanding to help the world achieve further geopolitical and economic integration.
The WEF is a non-profit, non-governmental organization, established in 1971 and named after a town in Switzerland where the World Economic Forum was first held and continues to host its annual meetings.
It is annually attended by many important figures such as heads of state and governments, ministers, ambassadors, as well as officials from international organizations, and figures from academic institutions and research centers.
Annually, the five-day meeting is attended by about 2,500 participants representing more than 100 governments and major international organizations, as well as over 1,000 representatives of important companies in the private sector and multiple academic institutions.
After many discussions at the annual forum meetings, participants have determined that it is necessary to hold, also, meetings at the regional and continental levels to discuss all challenges and proposed solutions throughout the year.
Among these meetings organized by the forum outside Davos, the Riyadh meeting today comes under the slogan "International Cooperation, Growth, and Energy for Development" with the participation of thousands of participants.
The Riyadh Global Economic Forum meeting includes discussions on agreements regarding comprehensive growth, artificial intelligence, industrial policies, innovation, economic policy, as well as the long-term investment gap in human development.
The forum seeks to support constructive dialogue on key opportunities, including emerging economic corridors, technological partnerships, and the necessity of growth that creates jobs. (end) kns.dss.