Burgan Bank continues to support CBK’s Eidity campaign

KUWAIT: In the lead-up to Eid Al-Adha, Burgan Bank is once again participating in supporting the Eidity campaign in collaboration with the Central Bank of Kuwait (CBK), the Kuwait Banking Association (KBA), and KNET.

Burgan Bank continues to support CBK's Eidity Campaign

As part of the campaign, a total of 17 ATMs spread across the bank’s head office, select branches (Al-Jahra and Al-Adailiya), and a number of malls, including the Avenues, Al-Khiran Mall, Al-Kout Mall, Marina Mall, Maghateer Mall and 360 Mall, will provide bank customers and the public with cash bills in all denominations. In addition, the Bank is providing customers with Eidya cash bills through its 29 branches across Kuwait, due to increased demand during the Eid period.

The Eidity initiative has been quite successful throughout the past few years, being well received by customers and the public at large, as it facilitates the easy withdrawal of Eidyas. On its part, Burgan Bank has always been committed to participating in and supporting all initiatives organized by CBK and KBA to help serve all customers of the banking sector in Kuwait.

Every year, Burgan Bank also offers a complimentary Eidya delivery service to its Elite and Private Banking customers, in collaboration with Peacock Concierge. As part of this service, the Bank delivers fresh bank notes in the denominations of the customer’s choice and to any location they prefer – be it their home or workplace – to save them the hassle of visiting a branch in person.