Boursa Kuwait holds virtual roadshow, highlights investment opportunities

KUWAIT: Boursa Kuwait organized a virtual roadshow in collaboration with Goldman Sachs, a leading multinational investment bank and financial services company on 10 November 2021. During the event, twelve companies listed on the Kuwaiti stock exchange, including Boursa Kuwait, conducted over 110 individual meetings with 20 of the world’s leading investment banks and asset management firms.


The meetings provided international investors with the opportunity to gain an in-depth understanding of the benefits and prospects of investing in Kuwait and offered deeper insights into the financial performance and business strategies of the publicly traded companies. Representing Boursa Kuwait during the roadshow was Naim Azad Din, Boursa Kuwait’s Chief Financial Officer and Noura Al-Abdulkareem, Boursa Kuwait’s Head of Markets Sector.


Naim Azad Din

Commenting on the roadshow, Boursa Kuwait’s Chief Financial Officer Naim Azad Din said: “Boursa Kuwait is committed to making every opportunity and challenge count. We continue to rely on a sound strategy and a strong, resilient foundation to not only get through testing times, but to record outstanding results.”

He added: Boursa Kuwait has reached several milestones that have had a tremendous impact on its growth and objectives, which is reflected in our third quarter financial results where we announced net profits of KD 11.7 million for the nine-month period ended 30 September 2021.”


Noura Al-Abdulkareem

Boursa Kuwait’s Head of Markets Sector Noura Al-Abdulkareem also commented on the roadshow, reinforcing the importance of the company’s strategy which continues to evolve with the company’s vision and the needs of its diverse stakeholder community, taking into account the rapidly shifting technological and economic landscape.

She added: “Hosting Roadshows and Corporate Days come as part of Boursa Kuwait’s ongoing commitment to developing and sustaining a strong and efficient financial market thriving on liquidity and transparency. We continuously work towards advancing our position by focusing on our four key objectives to create an attractive issuer base, increase depth and breadth of products, upgrade our infrastructure and business environment to international standards, and broaden our investor base.

Boursa Kuwait’s series of Roadshows and Corporate Days showcases some of the standout listed companies and the investment opportunities that reside in the Kuwaiti capital market. Putting these companies in touch with some of the world’s leading investment firms and financial institutions, the events aim to highlight these companies’ financial health and business strategies and outlooks helping investors gain an in-depth understanding of the benefits and opportunities of investing in Kuwaiti companies.

Since its inception, Boursa Kuwait has worked diligently to create a credible exchange built on efficiency and transparency, creating a liquid capital market, a progressive exchange platform and developing a comprehensive set of reforms and enhancements that has allowed it to compete on an international level. Over the past five years, the company has rolled out numerous market reforms and new initiatives as part of its comprehensive multi-phase market development (MD) plans.