Arab League hosts ESCWA ministerial meeting Mon.

CAIRO, Dec 16 (KUNA) -- The Arab League is set to host the meeting of the 31st ministerial meeting of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) next Monday.

In a statement on Saturday, the League's Director of Sustainable Development and International Cooperation Nada Al-Ajaizy said the meeting's theme will be "Arab vision 2045," adding that the Arab World is facing unprecedented challenges, due to regional and international economic, social and political factors.
The Arab states are still unable to follow up on the global technological developments, while they are also suffering the impact of climate change and lack of food, said Al-Ajaizy. The number of refugees and displaced people is concerning, especially after the Israeli occupation force's war on Gaza, she noted.
The League and ESCWA are working on enhancing cooperation to help Arab states achieve sustainable development in the light of the goals of the 2045 vision, she said.
Al-Ajaizy added that they chose 2045 as its the year that marks the 100th anniversary of the establishment of both the UN and the Arab League. (end)