Arab League calls for action plan to aid Palestine

CAIRO, Feb 15 (KUNA) -- Arab League Secretary General Ahmad Abu al-Gheit, Thursday, called for an urgent plan to respond to humanitarian aid request by Palestine.

This came in a statement by Abu al-Gheit in an inaugural speech of the 113th Arab Economic and Social Council meeting chaired by Jordan.
He mentioned the document included humanitarian, economic, and social relief to various Palestinian lands, hoping to reduce Palestinians' daily suffering.
Abu al-Gheit added the meeting is convening during a very dangerous time both regionally and internationally, especially with the ongoing genocide taking place in the Gaza Strip since October 7 by Israeli occupation forces.
The Israeli occupation is no longer hiding their vicious, inhumane plans regarding Palestinians, specifically the recent bombardment of Rafah City, which is inhabited by 1.4 million Palestinian refugees, he added.
"A humanitarian crisis is coming into effect, with tensions rising in the region," he stressed.
He said that all parties must acknowledge the genocide being committed, branding "grotesque" the global political double standards regarding the matter.
He pointed out the economic damages the war has produced; with increasing threats of security in the Red Sea, has shown a decline in tourism in the region, affecting investments.
He concluded by saying that Arab countries; due to the current situation in Gaza, are now focusing on damage control instead of looking into a better future for the region. (pickup previous)