67th ARABOSAI Executive Council meeting kicks off in Riyadh

By Khaled Al-Shammari RIYADH, Dec 6 (KUNA) -- The 67th session of the Arab Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (ARABOSAI)'s Executive Council kicked off in the Saudi capital Riyadh Wednesday with the participation of the State Audit Bureau of Kuwait.

In statements to KUNA on the sidelines of the meeting, SAB Acting President Yousef Al-Mazroui highlighted the importance of the council's role in boosting cooperation and coordination among Arab audit institutions.
He pointed out that the conferees will discuss over two days the 23 topics on the agenda that covers a wide array of issues such as harnessing skills of cadres, achieving sustainable development and reports of the committee of strategic planning and other affiliate committees.
For his part, Acting Assistant Undersecretary for Administrative, Financial, and Information Technology Dr. Saud Al-Zamanan told KUNA that in the first day, the conferee approved the organization's final financial statement of 2022 and the proposed budget of 2024. They also reviewed a number of committees' reports, he said. (end) kns.ibi.